Slide from ORDA board meeting of tippy top & new snow making line...While Belleayre is also adding a restroom next to the new top gondola repair/ski patrol building, there is nothing in the UMP about adding a warming hut near this beginner conveyor lift at the top. The 'trail' is 112ft wide and 285ft in length with an 8% slope and right next to the topof the gondola. I wonder what they think is going to happen when the beginners/kids using this area need a warmup/food break/weather break? Back down the gondola? The only lodge at the top of Belleayre is the Sunset Lodge and that is about a flat 1/2 mile from the top of the gondola. Are they expecting beginners to pole 1/2 mile to the Sunset Lodge for an indoor break and, since there is no green trail down from the top, pole 1/2 mile back to take the gondola down ?
ORDA probably could have found a flat beginner area near the Overlook Lodge to serve the same purpose of having early season snowmaking for beginners.
self explanatory