Summer Weather 2024

Glad the storm is clearing outta yer neck of the woods. I'm in Brattleboro VT. Memorial service for my late aunt and uncle this afternoon. 5 km race up Stratton tomorrow. Debbie ain't done here. I've also seen some serious state of emergency stuff about Essex County NY.
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Perseid meteor shower tonight, 50-100 per hour.

Northern lights too maybe if it’s not clouded out.
It's also likely we'll break a record low high temperature for tomorrow that was set in 1922.

Pretty cool.....pun intended
It's also likely we'll break a record low high temperature for tomorrow that was set in 1922.

Pretty cool.....pun intended
Lake effect...🌦️rain the last couple days.

Golfing rounds have been washed out twice so far since Monday.
Got in 7 holes in 2 tries & my feet are getting webbed. Tain’t no roll neither.

Cuse didn’t get much of the normal lake effect snow ❄️the last couple winters.
Maybe 24-25 will be different.
Right? That LE rain was crazy yesterday.

It's still in the 40's at night. The hillsides have a twinkle of yellow to them now. 👍🏼
That LE rain was crazy yesterday.

It's still in the 40's at night. The hillsides have a twinkle of yellow to them now. 👍🏼
Now the puffballs have twinkles of dang slugs.


Do slugs taste like snails?
Do slugs taste like snails?

I didn’t taste it but from personal experience they smell absolutely awful when cooked.

Years ago my wife and I bought a POS of a house that was on a nice piece of land. We had plans for a new house in front of the old one. One night my wife heard a buzzing sound coming from one of the outlets. Smoke started pouring from the opening.
I turned off the breakers one by one till it stopped.
After removing the cover I found the smoldering gelatinous remains of a slug. Seems the metal box had an opening he slithered through and made contact with one of the receptacle screws .
It was a gawd awful stench 🤮