Gore Mountain Conditions

Echo is fun when it's open. There's never much traffic, it's usually well groomed and when they leave the B fences up it's the only place on Gore where I feel like I can go as fast as I want. Racing there disrupts Gore more than racing at any other mountain I can think of, but maybe if it was open all the time it would become just another crowded scraped off groomer.

No Wild Air, Sags, Showcase, and no “Betty loved this trail”.
Also discriminated against all of Gore’s noteworthy traverses.
Gore Mountain - Greatest Horizontal in the East
Seems like they just randomly picked trails. Is anyone's favorite trail the Village Slopes or Bear Cub Run? Has anyone but racers ever skied Echo?
Marketing had plenty of input. Every trail Gore has hyped building or working on for the last few years is in the bracket. Maybe except Moxham, a great trail that they just put snowmaking on.
Echo is fun when it's open.

I have skied Echo many times, just not as many as I would have liked to as it is a really great trail and more importantly, the only enjoyable way to get to Burnt Ridge from that side. Especially if you want to ski Moxham--which I skied for the first time this past season--love it!

Maybe except Moxham, a great trail that they just put snowmaking on.
Chatiemac, Barkeater, Backwoods, Boreas, Moxham, Lower Steilhang and Showcase come to mind.

So hard to choose.
It was a very random list to big with. If it was me, I would have used a bigger list and started the first round with similar or neighboring trails (i.e., Chatiemac vs Haweye, Lies vs Rumor, Twister vs Showcase, Sleeping Bear vs Tahawus, Hullabaloo vs Lower Darby, Echo vs Sagamore, Barkeater vs Boreas, Quicksilver vs. Sunway, Wood In vs. Pipeline, Tower 6 vs 1A, Twin Fawns vs Little Dipper 😎, etc)
And everyone knows that the best trail is Jug Handle!

Jug Handle.jpg
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