Windham Mountain Going Private?

Today's media and content is an absolute joke headed up by the truly clueless just looking for clicks. Almost every article I read has bad grammar or misspellings. This author should be flogged. I am sure this elitist journalist has never skied in his life and was paid by Windham to write a glowing review.

Some years back, attended a ski journey shindig in NYC with ml242. Western resorts talking up the great conditions they would have in the coming winter. Based on some of the convos I overheard, I think there's at least some pay to play when resorts are written about in ski mags.
"Just west of the Massachusetts border"?
Thought the same thing but upon re reading it believe he was referring to the Taconic Parkway being “just west”.
Also the article seem to be primarily about the town and not the mountain.
Thought the same thing but upon re reading it believe he was referring to the Taconic Parkway being “just west”.
Also the article seem to be primarily about the town and not the mountain.
The sentence about location is very poorly written: "One of the best of the last attractions is Windham, just 150 miles from Manhattan (two-and-a-half hours’ drive up the winding and very beautiful in summer and fall Taconic Parkway, just west of the Massachusetts border (Boston is 205 miles away)." Feels like the author wanted to write about the food options in the town, but an editor wanted to bring in something about the "majestic mountains." The author is a foodie from Philadelphia who has published over 40 books including the Encyclopedia of American Food & Drink. I have a feeling he doesn't ski, or hike.

Agree that the topic is the town, specifically the food, not activities such as skiing. He doesn't even mention golf.
Thought the same thing but upon re reading it believe he was referring to the Taconic Parkway being “just west”.
Check where the author inserted his commas.
Almost every article I read has bad grammar or misspellings. This author should be flogged.
Punctuation should mean something too sometimes...
Also the article seem to be primarily about the eating not the skiing the town and not the mountain.