According to eye witnesses on Reddit, it happened where the trail turns and drops way off into into snow/ice boulders near the lift line/entrance to the glades. The groomed track was not as far to the skiers right as in year's past. The side of the groom was a pretty big drop off full of big...
I was one of the first ones up top. Skiing was great today all over.
Low angle trees are sweet and anything that gets groomed tonight will be fantastic.
I'm at a different mountain tomorrow (family thing), so those of you hitting Gore please enjoy it! It's really good.
Skyward is still great. Run of the day.
Hoyt's High & Lookout Below are almost ready (although Hoyt's looked very skiable and nice!)
The mountain is in great shape. No little rocks in the snow was a bonus!
They shut the guns off on Rumor & Lies. Where they are actually blowing snow, it's pretty wet.
Grooming was spotty.
Don't plan on parking at the bowl tomorrow unless you want to take the shuttle.
The North Chair has been down all day and Echo has a race.
Operational/Management :poop: show...
Le Massif? Mont Saint Anne? or Mont Sutton?
Decided to get out of dodge (Gore) for Feb School Break and check out Quebec City and a mountain or two nearby and hit Mont Sutton on the way home.
Anybody have any tips? Suggestions? (other than dress warm 😜)
Thanks in advance.