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    • Dmoss
      Dmoss reacted to x10003q's post in the thread ORDA Funding with Haha Haha.
      What a joke. Here is an article from April, 2021: "Van Hoevenberg upgrade meant to ‘last 100 years’ The final price tag for New York...
    • Dmoss
      Dmoss replied to the thread Gore Mountain Conditions.
      That would be nice. Got stuck on there a few times last year in less than ideal conditions.
    • Dmoss
      Dmoss replied to the thread Gore Mountain Conditions.
      Gore being mentioned in a Washington Post article thanks to Stuart at Stormking...
    • Dmoss
      Dmoss reacted to Cork's post in the thread Ski Bowl 3.0 at Gore with Like Like.
      Never underestimate the power of ORDA young Jedi…😉🥴
    • Dmoss
      Dmoss replied to the thread Ski Bowl 3.0 at Gore.
      Just stopped by the ski bowl. It doesn't look that much different than this pic from late June. Seeing 46er with no chairs or lift...
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