Plattekill Conditions

Didn't start to dig a retention pond a number of years ago? Did they ever finish it?
I think is does not hold water and it is too expensive to line. That hole was dug larger after one of the hurricanes/storms (around 2012) did major road damage in the area and the stone was needed to build the roads.
I think a lot of that gravel was used to expand the parking lot, which is interesting because parking is probably the other major Limiting factor
Looks like the northernmost holds water from a google maps pic.

Belleayre’s approved UMP’s included a pond and later a pump house.
Don’t know if that stuff was completed though.
Should be somewhat similar soils.
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Belleayre says they built a new pump house under recent improvements on their web page.
Don’t know about the pond. Never been to Belle nor Platty.
Platty is more my skistyle though.
I believe I asked about the “pit” before and the responses were it was a small gravel quarry not a pond . IIRC
I seem to remember a post or comment going back probably 10 years ago about a snowmaking pond being built and the new to them used snow guns they got.
This one is probably on me (the info may have been in the fine print)….but one more note about Platty season passes, which can hard enough to break even on with Friday thru Sunday operations, is now that we are in spring and could use more days (not less) to get after the snow before it melts….they move to weekends only, providing even less chance to make use of the pass. Like I said, maybe something I should have known…
I did not know that... Was thinking about taking Friday off if the weather looked good before the wash out.
Yeah, I probably would have tried to get up there Friday as well. By the weekend there may not be much left!
Did Harvey just say Plattekill is closed for a mountain rental tomorrow, Friday????

I know this winter hasn’t been great, but it seemed odd to me that they went to weekends only this soon. If part of that decision was to free up a Friday for a rental then it’s even worse than I thought….