Plattekill Conditions

The Gondy to no where is awesome. It pulls crowds away from other lifts. The delay in opening trails is good for the poachers. Not sure about the shift to the lower lodge. We still hang out at Overlook. I think Hunter wins in the cliff category. Platty will always be King
One of the benefits of being a civil servant is skiing on weekdays. On weekdays, they run the ridiculous gondola and close the Tomahawk. Lapping the gondola sucks. Same goes for the bar at Overlook on weekdays. Patrol seems to care about poaching a lot more these days. Hunter has cliffs, but it rarely has snow and it doesn't really have glades surrounding said cliffs.
I've enjoyed being a season pass holder to Platty this season, but a $750 season pass where the mountain is only open weekends and holidays is a steep ask.
It is. Not that it can’t be absolutely worth it. However, this year wasn’t all that kind on the snow front. A lack of natural and base in the woods all season really limits Platty’s appeal for me. While there were a few storms and some good days, given my family’s overall preference for WF/Placid I couldn’t make enough of them. I won’t break even on my pass this year, but that’s ok. Platty is the one place I don’t mind making that kind of donation, although I can’t see myself getting a pass again next year…..
I think a lot of people feel this way. Hopefully the mountain is aware of this. It’s not the same as getting your money’s worth out of the pass.
agreed. go there and throw some money around. we need this mountain to survive. its a gem
agreed. go there and throw some money around. we need this mountain to survive. its a gem
Between breakfast, lunch, and a beer or two I usually end up dropping $60+ when I walk into the place.
A lack of natural and base in the woods all season really limits Platty’s appeal for me.
If Platty had better snowmaking and got Plunge, NorthFace, Block open by XMAS would that have changed your opinion or is it just about the woods?
If Platty had better snowmaking and got Plunge, NorthFace, Block open by XMAS would that have changed your opinion or is it just about the woods?
I can’t say that more/better snowmaking wouldn’t make some kind of difference. Early season I just don’t make long trips north for the WROD and such. Being closer maybe I’d be inclined to do more early season skiing at Platty. However, if I’m going to ski groomers mid-season we head north for bigger mountains/more vertical. Platty is special, for me, when you hit a powder day and/or get in the woods. Snowmaking won’t help that much, and ma mature was stingy on that front this year!

I believe that Freefall and Ridge will eventually have snowmaking. Maybe not this summer, which seems to be more focused on water storage.
Didn't they start to dig a retention pond a number of years ago? Did they ever finish it?
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However, if I’m going to ski groomers mid-season we head north for bigger mountains/more vertical.
Funny, I feel the opposite. If conditions are hardpack and icy everywhere and all I'm going to be doing is groomers Platty's front 5 (if they are open) are steep and long enough that I don't feel like I need to drive the extra distance to WF or Gore. It's only when conditions are significantly better in the Daks that I'll make the extra drive.
I said we.

If it was just me skiing, for a (singular) day on a weekend, I’ll stick close and hit Plattekill. Those are the days I have on my pass this year. However, if it’s a ski weekend with the family, that’s never going to happen at Platty.

With that said….when the woods aren’t in play, and it’s not a powder day, Platty is just small enough to allow me to get tired of skiing the same trails.