Woods Valley 02/10 Powder Night


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2020
Made sure to sneak out of work a little early last Wednesday to get first chair at 4. Just a classic Woods night, with 6 to 8 inches of fresh snow. Was able to take a couple laps through the glades before it go dark. Woods has done an awesome job of maintaining these glades and opening them up more in the off season.


Most of the snow in the trees was untouched, other than the occasional kid ripping through.


I got to close the glades out with my friend Derek aka king of sting, whos the only snowboard ski patroller I know. This guy shreds.


I've talked to Tim woods a lot and I think he has plans to add and grow more glades. Which would really add to the name of "Woods Valley"


This coming Wednesday is gonna be another sweet night. Where else can you ski the trees after 4PM and get fresh snow? If your ever at Woods hit me up, I'm probably there.

Nice. You’re in a good spot up there, Robert. You’ve got a great little home mountain and you’re well positioned to be a mountain nomad when you want to.