I’m surprised by how little attention the majority of people are giving this. Is it because years of conditioning will take a lot more to loosen its grasp? Seems like it.

I’ve seen the weird glowing lights hovering in the night time Nevada skies. I believe.

Check out the Bob Lazar story.
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I'm fascinated by this stuff too. That article seems to jump between what the DOD people testified to and other things that have been "reported" a little too casually for me. Like with Bigfoot, I'm more in the camp of "I'd like it to be real" than "I really believe its aliens." Bob Lazar seems like a kooky con man to me.
I'm fascinated by this stuff too. That article seems to jump between what the DOD people testified to and other things that have been "reported" a little too casually for me. Like with Bigfoot, I'm more in the camp of "I'd like it to be real" than "I really believe its aliens." Bob Lazar seems like a kooky con man to me.
Yeah maybe. I didn’t get that vibe watching him on JRE. I don’t see much of an angle or gain for him to be making this all up though, unless he’s a kook like yer sayin, a total fucking nutter!
Just tighten up yer tin foil hat and/or change gummy meds and ya should be good to go.
Ha. ha. ha.

All I know is what I've seen and experienced. I have no answers for what or why it's out there. It's real fucking weird though.

If you've never experienced these things yourself I totally understand the skepticism though. I wouldn't believe it either.
If you're into UFOs, it may be worth reading Ben Mezrich's book about the UFO Superhighway. I read the audiobook via my public library.
I'll check it out.

I'm not so sure I'm really into UFO's. The past three years though have me curious about wtf I've been seeing out there over Nevada and the weird shit in Utah.

The current project manager for East Zion brought it up the other day. He asked me about paranormal experiences in Caliente. I told him about the orb light I saw a handful of nights. He had seen it too as well as their crew. He also told me about all of their chainsaws not working randomly one day. None of the six saws they had would run after being used all morning. After about fifteen minutes they all heard three large booms, bass drum like but that seemed to come from the Earth. Right after that all of their saws started right up.

We talked more and I told him about an archeological sight I found in English Canyon. I had been hiking alone that day flagging the alignment and I spotted this overhang on a southeast facing rock formation in the center of the canyon. It felt like it was calling me to go check it out so I walked up the hillside toward the overhang or alcove. As I got closer I started spotting artifacts such as broken points, tools and pottery sherds. I became excited as my thoughts went to finding a fully intact point, I have never found a really nice arrowhead before. Well, we aren't supposed to take anything from those places. They are protected by law and natives say these places and the artifacts are protected by their spirit world. I was having these bad thoughts honestly. I guess deep down I'd like a really nice arrowhead. At that point my eyes were scanning the ground like crazy, I knew a good arrowhead was somewhere there but right as I reached the alcove I heard a buzzing sound. I looked up and right over my head there was a wasp nest built into the cliffside. I'm extremely allergic and right away felt as though I was no longer welcome there.
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I think our generation- people who were little kids in the 70s and 80s that is- are really into this stuff. That’s when all the conspiracy theories and mystical shit was big. I remember having a big book called “mysteries of the unknown“ or something like that. It had a chapter on Bigfoot, one on lake monsters, UFOs, ghosts, mediums and other shit. The one chapter that really freaked me out was the one on spontaneous human combustion.