A story . . .
In April 2023 my daughter was set for an April trip to SLC. My primary ski buddy and North Country School schoolmate, Bill, joined us. We were supposed to ski Snowbasin and Alta while staying in SLC before moving to Alta Lodge. But that was the silly spring when wet slides were closing the LCC road. My daughter was meeting up with a friend who was supposed to be at Alta Lodge that weekend but he and his father opted to switch to Canyons instead. So we skied Park City that Saturday. Bill had an Epic Pass and we used his two Buddy Passes for 50% off.
In the parking lot, we were parked next to a father and teenage son. They were from Dubai. The teen had researched where to go for a ski vacation and had picked Park City and Whistler. They didn't know about Epic passes. Don't know when the decision was made to make the trip, so might have been too late. It was clear money wasn't an issue, but the father sounded like he was going to remember to check out Epic in the future.