Thirteenth Lake, NY: 8/31/13


Jul 15, 2020
As is tradition in our family the forecast is rainy for our labor day weekend.

It was actually sunny yesterday, and today had more sun then forecast too.

But with overcast skies this morning and "rain likely" this afternoon we stuck close to home so that if we got soaked, we be home and dry pretty quick.

I set the women folk out in the hornbeck with instructions to stay close to shore.



Problem was we neglected to agree on which shore. I thought that if we went together along the northern shore, I could take pictures with them in the frame, and I could be available to help an emergency landing if it started to pour.

Zelda on the other hand, headed right to where she's gone every single time we've done walk/paddle/switch. Elizabeth Point, on the south shore.

I could think of no way to politely contact them across the lake, so I headed the spot I originally planned to meet on the north shore.

I hung there looking, listening and hoping they'd return.

Oddly, I had a two way radio in my buttbag. I figured it would be stupid not to try it, so I got on the horn.

<i>"Kelly Crek this is Weeyat!</i>

No response. I pinged it a few times, nothing. Zelda was sure <i>I</i> didn't have a radio, so hers wasn't on.


Zelda and Neve across the lake (you gotta squint.)

13th Lake is two miles long, and they were way down the lake. I knew I had some time to kill. First they had to figure out that I wasn't coming to Elizabeth Point, and then they had to paddle all the way back.

To kill some time I took some pictures and swam.


Then I got back on the trail....


...and headed for the bridge at the beginning of the new Hour Pond Trail.


All of a sudden the radio cracked to life. Zelda and I straightened it all out. I headed back to the meeting spot to wave my arms.

It was good to hear her paddle bumping the gunnels as she got closer.


We switched at the originally assigned point and they walked back to the car in comfort, while I got rained on in the lake.


Nice day really.