The Taco Thread

Holy crap, an impending double breakout is upon us. Tacos came out good but Dangerboy claims, without evidence, that I over toasted the soft shells.
To prove I can happily drift…..I prefer to eat my tocos as a salad! Break up the hard shells, layer on meat, cheese, lettuce, sour cream, taco sauce. You get the idea.
Bringing it all back around, those who cant afford Fast Tracks will be like these taco shells on line
To prove I can happily drift…..I prefer to eat my tocos as a salad! Break up the hard shells, layer on meat, cheese, lettuce, sour cream, taco sauce. You get the idea.
once you take the first bite the taco falls apart. only then can you use a fork
I wasn't going to break out shit, but Broski is always hassling me, so I figured what the hell.
Ahhh….Harvey… sure it’ll be good for the forum to have a taco thread? You might want to consider making it a Mexican Food thread? A taco thread could attract some interesting traffic, if you know what I mean (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). Heaven forbid someone mention fish tacos in the discussion….