The “What Would You Do” Thread


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2020
Got a conundrum? Ever faced with an interesting situation where you had to make a decision about what to do? Give us your best, most interesting WWYD story!
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First I’ll start with a WWYD story from days gone by. Super Bowl whatever it was, back in Tampa when the Steelers won. I knew a guy in the NFL, and worked with a guy who was a big Steelers fan. We had the good fortune to get tickets at face and attend not just the game, but numerous official pregame events (remember the NFL guy). Well, great trip...but a story for another day.

Back to the WWYD story. Day before the big game my buddy and I are taking a cab from the hotel to the stadium for an event. While I wouldn’t recommend it, for some reason we felt between the seats of the cab (eeeewwww) and found a pretty nice digital camera.

WWYD? We had to do something with this camera. I doubt if we gave it to the cabbie it would have ever found it’s way to it’s owner. So, my buddy fires up the camera and starts scrolling through pics. Hey, my Steeler fan buddy recognized a person in the pics. No, not somebody he knew, but someone he knew was affiliated with the Rooney’s. The plot thickens. Now we REALLY gotta do something with this camera!

So, as my buddy scrolls and I watch....WAIT A MINUTE! Go back. No, there. I’ll be damned. There it is, a picture of someone holding up their game tickets! Technology what it is....we zoom in on the picture. Clear as day, Section, Row, Seat information.

The decision now is easy. During the game tomorrow we are going to find these people at their seats and get them their camera back! As you might imagine, especially because they were in good seats, the usher wasn’t exactly letting anybody to access seats they didn’t have tickets for. However, we told him the tale, and he was on board. The camera did get back to its owner, they were super stoked, my buddy got to shoot the breeze with someone with Steelers connections, and a good time was had by all!

Kicker for my friend.....that had to be post game field passes (having a friend in the NFL corporate office was nice) as the black and gold confetti fell, and Big Ben walks by and my buddy personally congratulates him.
I did say I’d post a ski related story. Just so happens it has a strong connection to my last WWYD story! Well, that first story was more what I did. This one is a tale that remains to be written.

So this past fall I picked up a new to me BD JetForce Saga avalanche airbag pack from the Yardsale board of the Turns All Year forum. It was lightly used, and I’m the third owner. The second owner hadn’t used it and wanted to see it out of his closet and put to good use.

I was stoked to have the pack. However, I hadn’t really checked it out, until recently. As I was checking out the pack, pulling out the charger to plug it in, I found another tucked away interior pocket. Wait a minute, something is in there. Zip, zip....well lookie here, if it isn’t a GoPro Hero 7 Black.

Damn, I had just been thinking about how my (ancient) GoPro Hero 3 was on the fritz.

Yes, I’ve happened upon ANOTHER mystery camera! What to do with this one??? After getting a USB C charging cable I’m able to fire up the dead battery. Being an experienced guy with this sorta thing....into the media I go! Nope, this time there’s nothing useful. No pictures. Some video, the most recent from summer 2019 (a year and half ago) of some guys on a boat. Beyond that there was a little ski related video from the winter of 2016


My first thought was to reach out to the TAY member who sold me the pack. Then I realized, with the video dating back to 2016, the camera probably was the property of the original owner, and not the second owner.

Anywho, I haven’t exactly decided what I will finally do with the camera. However, you guys may benefit from it because I’m probably going to use it to capture some video around LCC one my next ski adventure....
Ya could start a thread on the ski forum ya bought the pac at, tell the story and go fishing. Have ya searched old threads to see if anyone bitched about not being able to find their GoPro? Good story and good fishing.
This is a strange but true story that’s been going on for a long time.
Civil war gold “lost” going from out west to mint in Philly, detoured north in the mountains due to the Gettysburg thingy, allegedly.
~150 years later father-son team goes lookin (along with other treasure hunters) and then brings in state of the art geo-finding equipment.
Find "hot spots” in an old cave but cave is unsound and can’t dig due to Pennsylvania’s state land rules.
Story continues...
A Time March article:
Here’s recent presser from the folks (father-son team, the author of a book about the lost gold and their lawyer) involved with it.
My WWYD story is similar but as dramatic as @JTG . Gave a guy a lift back from a ski race somewhere, and he left his camera in the back of my car. I tracked down his address and mailed it to him. Beginning of a long friendship.