Tahoe 03/05/23 - So Deep


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2020
Here's a little recap of my trip to Tahoe last season to hopefully get you hyped for this season.


My dad was already out in Tahoe with my Aunt and Uncle who have a place there. They were getting absolutley pounded with record snow. My Aunt and Uncle are in there 70's and have been skiing Tahoe almost there whole life. Even they said it was record breaking. So I hopped on a plane and flew to Reno where my Uncle and Dad picked me up.

52 feet of snow had fallen by the time I arrived in Tahoe and more was on the way. We had plans to ski Kirkland 2 days and Heavenly the other 2 but the pass was closed so we opted for Heavenly all 4 days.


The first day we started on the stage coach lift, and hit the trees below it. It was insane, my first real taste of West Coast powder and I was hooked. What is even crazier is that my Aunt and Uncle, again who are in there 70's never slowed down. They were ripping between all the trees and looking for the deep stuff. I even caught myself stuggling to keep up with them. My Dad having skiied in NY almost his whole life, kept to the super smooth creamy groomers.


About midway through the first day my family showed me what would become my all time favorite run. We headed out of bounds through the gates to "Firebreak". 2500' feet of absolute back country bliss. This is where skiing with locals came in handy. We skirted as far as the ridge could take us. Once we were satsified and there were no visible tracks, we dropped in. The expierence was unreal. Just me and the family ripping through waist deep untouched pow. It was like a movie. It was so good, we did it twice the first day despite my legs screaming.

The rest of the week I demanded we finish each day on Firebreak, and each day we rode untracked powder in the back country.
So cool, love seeing this. Great smiles. That Tahoe blue is unreal.
70's is nothing for people who have been powder hounds for a few decades out west. One time I overheard a small group of women who were late 70s or even perhaps early 80s complain during their mid-morning break at Alf's at Alta that it was a "groomer day" because there wasn't enough fresh soft snow off-piste. They were members of the Wild Old Bunch.