Silver Peak, North Bowl, Central WA Cascades, 6/25/17


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2020
It's the end of June, and there is still plenty of fairly easily accessible snow in the PNW. Chinook and Paradise are still skin-able from the car. The vast majority of the forest roads are now passable. The final 3 miles of the road to Artist's Point in the Baker zone will be the last to open on the 29th. There is still lots of good snow above 5k in the north facing bowls closer to the crest. It will probably be pretty good on the glaciers until the end of August

We headed up the road to Silver Peak early in the AM with a plan to take a few laps in the North bowl. According to reports from last weekend, there is still about a thousand vertical feet of fairly smooth, pollen free, continuous snow. It's a slow go up a rough road about 25 minutes off route 90 through Snoqualmie Pass. Skiable snow is visible from the car. This is not always the case for late June touring in this area.


You go from this...

To this...

To this..

To this... in about 30 minutes

We skied 4 different lines on North and East facing slopes over a 3 hour period. It ended up being 3600 feet of descending vertical. Pretty nice for minimal commitment.


Great views of Rainier from the Ridge

Looking East back towards home

Silver Peak Summit
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The snow off the glaciers has held up well, but is dwindling fast.

That said, my July turns will probably be made on one of the Volcanoes.
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