Scott's Cobble, NY: 11/15/23

Peter Minde

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2020
First day on snow; I haven't been out this early in years. I went to Scott's Cobble: trails on a golf course owned by the town of North Elba. Free skiing for Tri-Lakes residents. They got ~ 1.5 - 2", good enough for rock skis.

As it was above freezing in Saranac Lake yesterday afternoon, I figured on klister for grip. I prepared my skis and drove over. BIG mistake. While it was above freezing at the Cobble, the snow was untransformed powder. In no time, I was walking on stilts. I was walking on stilts and called it after 30 minutes. My buddy's skin skis lasted longer, but they iced up too.

Bottom photo is supposed to be a clump of snow on my ski; I don't know if it shows really well tho. Sorry @Harvey , was hoping to be out long enough for a blog post.
