Powder Mountain, UT 1/8 - 1/11/11


Aug 8, 2020
Well, I'll start with saying it has been less than spectacular. Seeing we got a foot back home isn't really helping either. Yesterday was pretty warm and bluebird, so the snow really got baked on. Last night it crusted up a bit, and it hasn't snowed in about two weeks. Unfortunately, the weather isn't really looking in our favor.


Wind chills are around -10, and we're looking at 3-7" in the next 36 hours.


High Res. Map

We did have a nice condo! The Lay-Z-Boy was awesomely comfortable.

Today was pretty warm, right around 30. The snow quality all depended on which direction the peak was facing. The worst stuff we skied was facing southeast, the best was northwest facing. If you look at the map Cobabe Canyon and the ridge below the Paradise lift had the best snow. Cobabe was the least skied, but it was pretty inconvenient to get to. If you wanted to lap it, you take a long green cruiser to the Paradise lift, ski down to the Hidden Lake lift (we took Quick Shot to get between the two lifts the first run, but it was AWFUL. The second time we took Gateway.), Take the poma lift up, and then hike maybe 10 mins to a flat traverse.

The snow in Cobabe wasn't very deep, maybe 8 inches of lighter stuff that had the consistency of sugar. Still, it was quite a bit of fun. It was all pretty low angle stuff, so it was hard to keep your speed up.

There was pretty dense fog in the morning, but it burned off around 11. It was bluebird for a bit, but then the clouds and cold moved in. The lighting was horribly flat.

We were pretty excited to ski Powder Country, but they had it closed. It's in-bounds backcountry stuff that doesn't get skied much. It takes your down to the road where a bus will pick you up. We figured it was just closed in the morning, but it didn't open all day.

Powder had a cat-skiing service (far right on the map) which looks like the majority of the mountain's steep terrain. Cat rides are $15 each, but the face is positioned the exact same direction as Quick Shot, so we're guessing it's going to be some really firm crust again.

We are here for another 3 days and we have pre-paid non-refundable lift tickets. I wish we left at least one day open to check out Snowbasin, but I was overruled on that. Hopefully we get the better side of 3-7".

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