Post Your Best Badminton Videos


Jul 15, 2020
Maybe not as awesome as Johnny Quest.

Sorry I got nothing.

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Boy, NBC must have had some air time they needed to fill. Was there a rain delay in this badminton tournament or something?
Pretty neat. What do you do point the horse toward the jump and let him figure out the best spot to jump? Another thing. How do you keep them in their yards. I would imagine they can just jump the fence and go wherever they want. The narrative was pretty funny. I used to watch that once in a wild on wide world of sports.
Pretty neat. What do you do point the horse toward the jump and let him figure out the best spot to jump? Another thing. How do you keep them in their yards. I would imagine they can just jump the fence and go wherever they want. The narrative was pretty funny. I used to watch that once in a wild on wide world of sports.
At that level, the rider can pretty much control every step. They will walk the course prior to riding and have a plan. Those horses also love to jump. They will lock onto a jump and pretty much pull the rider to it. Sometimes, they have a disagreement. ?

Most horses enjoy hanging out in their fields, being horses and don't jump out
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So my original video shows this ^^.

Screw the Olympic Committee. They don't exist without us paying for everything.

Bunch of a$$holes.