Plattekill 4-14-2018


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2020
Last Saturday at Plattekill was spectacular


It turns out there’s a kind of tyranny in the max pass. It was great and everything but it herded me towards mountains I wouldn’t normally ski for most of the year. It was still pulling me towards other destinations Friday night but it seemed like the Plattekill forecast featured the shortest period of possible rain and the highest potential for fun so somewhere on the Palisades parkway Saturday morning I made the decision to spring for a couple late season tickets- max pass or no. We took what I call the “western route” - rt 17 to Roscoe, then up and around the Pepacton Reservoir. It may be a minute or two longer but the scenery is way better.


When I got our tickets, Lasz was downstairs thanking people for coming which was pretty nice I thought. Me and junior met up with Harv by the triple and caught first chair together. The clouds cleared away very early, no rain materialized and the temps warmed up as the day went on. Almost right away we were stripping layers. I didn’t take as many pics as I might have but I occasionally pulled my phone out.



Skiing at Plattekill with Harv is a lot like skiing with Skiray at Pico. Everybody knows him and is happy to see him. There’s lots of laughing and sharing of beta and you end up skiing around in big groups. It’s a blast. We hit almost everything eventually.

I thought I must be skiing great cause people kept calling out to me from the lift but then I realized they were praising my skis not my skiing. I was on my 80s era K2s which always get lots of comments.

Blockbuster probably had the best coverage and snow but I think I enjoyed Freefall more even though it had enough bare patches that it required a little weaving and stitching to put a line together. For me the trail of the day was Ridge Run which was almost 100% stitching-together-patches. Not everybody was happy with it, especially a little section right before we bailed back onto Northface towards the bottom where we only had about four inches of ice and slush on skiers right for about fifteen or twenty feet. Maybe it makes me a pervert but I really love that shit. It helps when you’re on thirty year old skis I guess.

Junior had fun too. I didn’t bring him on Freefall but he skied everything else, including Blockbuster (below)


I saw these guys pulling hose down the hill on Blockbuster.


And Patrol bringing tower pads down



The deck of course


I got a little sunburned but damn was it worth it. I hope it’s not my last day of the season but if it was I could do a lot worse.