Olympic Break Dancing


Active member
Sep 19, 2021
I am only annoyed that they call it breaking, as if this is cooler than break dancing. My first reaction was "not a sport" but I disagree with that strongly now. Modern break dancers are basically just gymnasts with baggy clothes and no apparatuses. If I ever needed to scope out a large group of elite athletes from a particular sport, I would put them into a gymnastics gym together and find out pretty quickly who the best natural athletes are and who has simply just trained harder or longer in their sport.

If someone cares to make the argument that equestrian dressage should be an olympic sport but this should not, please entertain me with your dancing horses below.
Never got into B-boying myself, but I used to frequent clubs where it was done. I don't remember anyone ever calling it breakdancing, breaking would have been used. Breakdancing sounds repetitive to my ear (as in... of course breaking is dancing).

Judged sports will always be fraught with questions of legitimacy. If you say one is not a sport, you have to say that for any sport that involves judges assigning numerical scores.

I think your equivalence with gymnasts is apt. No one ever says that gymnasts are "just dancers".
Does anyone have video to post?
Does anyone have video to post?
Not from the Olympics, but was posted on the Aussie ski forum. Also a competition in Paris.

What's different about Breaking from other "dance" type competitions such as Rhythmic Gymnastics is that the routines are all improvisation. Don't even know what music will be playing. Can't repeat movements.

October 2023