Northville Placid Trail 2024


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2020
Has anyone here hiked the NPT? I'm in the initial planning stages right now. I'm considering doing it a section hike, (NOBO) rather than a thru-hike do to work constraints.
Has anyone here hiked the NPT? I'm in the initial planning stages right now. I'm considering doing it a section hike, (NOBO) rather than a thru-hike do to work constraints.
This is on my list. @Peter Minde did a chunk of it when he ran the Wakely Dam Ultra. Curious about when you think you would do it. Would love to see a trip report. I talked to a guy once who skied it towing a pulk. He said the continuous water crossings were brutal.
Has anyone here hiked the NPT?
Hiked parts of it for fishing, in & out not thru.
Once used a mountain bike for a fishing trip, b4 they made it illegal to bike on it in ‘93. Had to ditch the bike when it got too sketchy.

It smells good in there.
From lake placid follow the averyville road past the trailhead for a couple miles past the official trailhead. Park in a gravel parking lot on the left. This cuts off several miles off the trail and is the old official trailhead so a map should be easy to find. Let me know if you can't find it. I've got a pdf somewhere. Here are some pics of the first 10 miles of the trail. The trail/herd path looks a lot like this after leaving the parking area and was pretty easy to follow.

Views such as this on the main NPT. I think that is the Sawtooth Range in the background and suspect some flowed lands/lumbering thing is going on in the foreground but I never did find out any more.

Even the drive in/out is pretty, with views from the road over the farm fields.

We weren't doing the NPT we were trying to access MacNaughton from the SW ridge. We failed and retreated to the Moose Pond leanto. I think we left the main trail somewhere about here.

As I remember, campsites were relatively hard to come by, until you get in the vicinity of Duck Hole. Bugs were outrageous. Sure, it is the ADK so maybe they always are, but there is also abundant water en route. Good Luck.