Northern Lights


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2020
Did anyone else see the show last night? There could be an encore this evening if you missed it.



They were quite intense, even with all the light pollution here in the Vancouver area.



Clouded out total eclipse & clouded out recent light show here in CNY.
At least we get some decent cloud formations to watch.
Sunsets & rises get good too sometimes.
I posted a heads up in the spring weather thread. There was another lager CME that’s due Monday night .
I was unable to see last night’s due to clouds.
They were quite intense, even with all the light pollution here in the Vancouver area.
Was there a lot of movement in them where you were? Many times I saw them in the old days they would just sit on the horizon or sort of simmer/ vibrate. Other times they danced a bit or there were waves of light sort of rolling across the sky. I’m assuming the east coast didn’t have a lot of movement since everybody is posting still shots. Junior told me they weren’t really moving where he caught that pic
Not the Northern Lights, but the Southern Lights aka aurora australis. This trip report a last minute decision to inside Australia to get as far south as possible to get to clear skis as far south as possible. Then driving two hours in a rental car and hiking a couple more hours as it got dark to a spot on the beach at South Cape Bay. Includes not only pics but video clips.

May 11, 2024 (Australia)

I've seen Northern Lights on the North Country School campus. First time as a student in the early 1970. The kids were already asleep but our house parents woke everybody up to go outside and look up. Very cool memory. Also during a couple summer visits for the alumni gathering in August. Turned out what happened recently could be seen from parts of North Carolina too.

May 11, 2024 (North Carolina)
Was there a lot of movement in them where you were?

The movement was slow but noticeable. At times it reminded me of a distant rain cloud with bands of light marching southward across the eastern sky (the primary view I had). There was some shimmering as well as the intensity increased.