North River Ski Weekend March 6-8 2015


Jul 15, 2020
Ski Days 29, 30 and 31: In the excitement last week I forgot the cord that connects my camera to my mac. Kinda forced me to look at the weekend as a whole.

Arrived Friday about 6:30, got the place warm and skied our lower loop. The snow was nice in the trees, "not powder, but not crusty either." Cheesy and dense.



We got up early, went to the ski bowl, booted up in the Yurt. We had it all to ourselves, I think the hippies were all at Mad River Glen.

We were early. :)

While we were waiting for patrol Zelda and Neve starting climbing the half-pipe. Neve for the adventure I think, and Zelda for the warmth.





Going for the gold

It was cold early on Saturday and the ungroomed was firm. Still Neve wanted at Moxham. I think she decided that if it's not corduroy, it must be powder. Either way she is seeking out the ungroomed, and I like it.



As it got warmer, everything we skied was nice. Maybe I am crazy? as I thought surfaces were soft.

For some reason, I also thought it would be a good idea to take Neve into Tahawas. She'd done well in a very short glade at Windham that did have some knarly drops.

Turns out it actually was a good idea. She THRIVED in there. Loved it, no fear. Two laps on the same day she said no to Open Pit. Are trees less scary than steeps? Apparently.


Down the Rabbit Run



IMO it was sweet in there, well covered, without icy troughs. I kind of bounded through with a big smile.

On our second run through Zelda hung at the bottom to look for us and said Neve was smoother and out-skied me.

What a great learning experience, that is great terrain for Gore, or any mountain, to have.

On a lift-served day, I'm now leaving the mountain early enough, like 1:30 or so, so that I can ski in our woods.


Six-turn Hill

I usually ski the whole thing except on one gentle downhill on the Red Trail, I leave a little bit of untracked for Zelda to break, the next morning, before we head home.


Red Trail

One interesting thing... we spent some time explaining to Neve that her (flimsy) nordic set up would not turn in the trees the way here alpine gear did. She shut that down cranking out some sweet downhill turns on our trails.

Very fun weekend.