North Creek Ski Bowl and Sidecountry, NY: 12/30/12


Jul 15, 2020
We skied the North Creek Ski Bowl this morning. It just seemed to make sense.


It wasn't crowded or windy.


We jumped on the Hudson Chair and saw some hale and hearty shredding it below us...



Most of the morning I skied with Neve on Moxham. Moxham is one of the original trails, and it is an absolute gem. It's really well laid out, it's rolling but you're never in danger of skating. (gasp!) You can ski it with your 5 year old, and both really have fun. At least that's the way it's been each time we've skied it.


It was also a teaching moment. Neve assumed that we should alternate trail choice between us. But only Moxham has intermediate pitch and minimal skating or parent pulling. I explained to her that we should pick Moxham so we could ski without much skating.

Eventually Neve got it and started attacking the climbs...


On one run Zelda and Neve did Peaceful Valley and I checked out Ski Bowl Glades. In via the cattrack...


I found the best tracked snow I'd skied this season. Nice, soft and manageable, with no ice, and only an occasional rock...


The snow under the Chair was really good, except that the headwall was, of course, too thin. Now that it's packed out it might be easier to ski because you can see the rocks.


The real highlight of the day was venturing over into the sidecountry with Perilous Paul. Burnt Ridge... that disputed area officially CLAIMED by Gore. (totally kidding ok?) We ended the day with Barkeater, Cirque and Tahawas. All were sweet, but the snow in Barkeater and Cirque was dramatically softer and more skiable than what we found in Tahawas.

When you come around the entrance to Cirque and the whole area is in the sun it's very cool.


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Mike rocked the trees.


The group was strong.


I closed the place.

On my last two runs, they had a sign up at the top of the lift that said... "If you car is parked at Gore, you should go there now." Or something. I thought it was funny and smart to have it.

Today was really a surprise day. Way excellent.