Mt Rainier Hike to Camp Muir: 7/16-7/20/14


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2020
Writing long winded play by play posts is not my style. Hopefully the pics and the descriptions will tell most of the story.

Ever since Dick Bass wrote 7 Summits I have read almost every mountaineering book ever published. Last fall I decided to stop living vicariously through these authors and get off my ass and attempt to climb a mountain. So I started training last Fall.

Since I have no mountaineering experience, I need a guide service. I went with International Mountain Guides (IMG). I can't say enough good things about them. I would climb or trek anywhere with this company.

Now the climb, I flew out of NYC on Monday morning. Arrived in Ashford in time for a short hike on the mountain. There was still snow down to Paradise (Where the D.C route begins) at 5600. The next day was my acclimatization hike to Camp Muir at 10,000 ft. So you have to hike 4400 vert feet in 4.5 miles. 2/3 of which are on a featureless snow field..



A Marmot


Camp Muir

It took me 4.5 hrs up, 2hrs down. 9 miles round trip. According to the local hikers, that was fantastic time for a first time flatlander.

More tomorrow.
Thanks for posting about Rainier. In the 1990s, I climbed Rainier 3 times and was fortunate enough to summit each time. No photos as it was the pre digital camera age. What incredible trips. First time, I was on the mountain for a week, and it felt like I was arriving at a different planet when we descended to Paradise.

I haven't read Seven Summits, but there are a lot of other good mountaineering books out there. Annapurna, -140, and others.
Thanks for digging up the post..It was a fantastic experience..