Mt. Bachelor: Feb 2023


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2020
Volcano Skiing


While visiting a friend who’s considering moving out to Oregon, I wound up in the middle of a big low pressure sandwich. A foot came down 2 days before my arrival and another foot the day after I left. I thought I had it dialed picking an active weather week but alas, you can’t win every chase I suppose. 40s and bluebird brought about some heavy density untouched stashes along with beautiful pnw corn, still better than most anything I’ve come across in the east this year.



Bachelor’s rolling terrain and alpine bowls are legitimately perfect for snowboarding. It’s a mountain to surf for sure.





South sister, Broken Top and the hike-to cone



And some lichen covered old growth in squatch-land nearby a really nice natural hot spring in the forest. A great way to spend a rest day.






We stayed in Bend which is a beautiful town with great food and nice people. A little dusty on the sinuses being in the rain shadow, but I’d definitely return no matter the season. Apparently it’s a summer town with excellent trout fishing plus a river wave to surf. Nice place!
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Volcano Skiing
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While visiting a friend who’s considering moving out to Oregon, I wound up in the middle of a big low pressure sandwich. A foot came down 2 days before my arrival and another foot the day after I left. I thought I had it dialed picking an active weather week but alas, you can’t win every chase I suppose. 40s and bluebird brought about some heavy density untouched stashes along with beautiful pnw corn, still better than most anything I’ve come across in the east this year.
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Bachelor’s rolling terrain and alpine bowls are legitimately perfect for snowboarding. It’s a mountain to surf for sure.
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South sister, Broken Top and the hike-to cone
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And some lichen covered old growth in squatch-land nearby a really nice natural hot spring in the forest. A great way to spend a rest day.
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We stayed in Bend which is a beautiful town with great food and nice people. A little dusty on the sinuses being in the rain shadow, but I’d definitely return no matter the season. Apparently it’s a summer town with excellent trout fishing plus a river wave to surf. Nice place!
i really like Bach and Bend is a wonderful town...
i really like Bach and Bend is a wonderful town...
Im really surprised how well it skied under that high pressure and being so exposed to winds. The upper mountain I hear can get pretty scoured in between storm cycles but that certainly wasn’t the case here. Even with light winds you get scenes like this on the upper mountain.

Nice report. Bachelor looks massive. Those old growth forests look a lot like the northern Cascades!
Nice pics! This place is on my to-do list which should eventually come to fruition without much effort because my wife's cousin lives in portland now and he is really into craft beer as well (i.e. pick me up in portland, lets drive to Bend and drink some beers and go skiing). Gotta leverage a family visit...
Bachelor looks massive. Those old growth forests look a lot like the northern Cascades!
It certainly is. 360 degrees off the summit is pretty awesome, never seen that before. Even on a Saturday the sheer acreage spreads crowds out impressively. Midweek was a ghost town.

When I was landing in Portland my buddy asked me if we should head to baker instead but we decided against the overnight 5 hour trek. Bluebird is nice but I’d take storming skifari any day.