Mount Peter Spring Rally 3-13-2016


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2020
My kids had been pestering me to bring them to Mount Peter for the spring rally/ last day. They weren't dying to ski. They got their fix at Plattekill yesterday. They wanted to see the pond skimming. We had a lot of commitments today. There was a lot of homework left to be done and my nine year old was in a baseball clinic til 3:15. Pond skimming started at 4:15. Even that late in the day the homework wasn't done and they weren't ready to go but I gave in anyway and we were in our way at 3:30 in the afternoon. Arriving after the pond skimming began was my excuse not to do it myself so I gave them the camera and let them go while I booted up and hit the lift.








Dynamite was closed for the festivities so I only had about three short trails to choose from. St Pete and Cedar Lane both had narrowed spots that required some delicate maneuvering but all things considered, it wasn't so bad. Skiing on soft snow in just an undershirt is always fun for me. Everyone at the mountain was gathered around the water to watch so the lift was ski-on. After they were done and the crowds moved over to where the cardboard box races were going to happen, a few of the skimmers joined me on the lift. It was scheduled to shut down at five but they kept going from an extra twenty five minutes or so. I got in about fifteen runs. Some times, on a busy Saturday, it might take four hours to do that so I felt satisfied when I finally stepped out of my bindings. My kids got a huge kick out of the pond skimming.





Once again, I was glad I got past the static and went skiing today. For a last day of the season at a little mountain, it wasn't bad.

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