McCauley, NY: 2/18/24


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2020
Everything was lined up last weekend for a great lake effect system to come through the tug hill and central ADK's. After getting the freshies on Saturday with @Evan and @Harvey at Snow Ridge we set our eyes on Old Forge. Our newest forum member @Evan and I arrived about half an hour before first chair with our significant others. I was pleasantly suprised that we got front row parking and the holiday crowd seemed missing.


We booted up and head to the top for some warm up runs. It was packed powder bliss on all the groomers and for most of the morning we skied right onto the lift. There were a few fresh spots on the sides of the trail to get a quick fix of powder turns but a lot of it had been skied.


We headed into a few of the low angle trees but I don't think the mtn got as much snow as SR and had definitely been trafficked more. We were content to rips the main trails as conditions were prime.


About 2 hours after opening things started to get backed up. This was probably the longest line I've ever seen at Mccauley extending to the uphill trail that leads to the lodge. Things kept moving despite the 5 or so minutes wait each time at the bottom.


By 1ish the cold and wind were getting to the group and we resigned ourselves to get some food at Tony Harpers. The last run of the day was my not so secret detour; take sidewinder to the cutover to Mac's back, getting about 200 feet of fresh turns back to the parking lot. All in all, conditions were awesome and we avoided any of the crazy holiday crowds some of the larger mountains had. Another win for NY independents.
