Mad River Glen, VT: 2/26/12


Jul 15, 2020
Ski Day 22: I finally did it. After at least FIVE YEARS of saying, "I've got to ski Mad River, I drove over there and did it. I think we picked a good day too.

The drive on the New York side is a little crazy making. There are are a lot of directions, and also some detours. Once I saw THE BRIDGE, I knew I'd make my meeting with @riverc0il at 8:15 outside the Basebox.


I like the bridge and I think it's a great thing that the state REALIZED the importance of it, and fixed it fast.


The other notable thing about the trip to Mad was the road through Appalachian Gap. I probably should have been terrified of it, as it was snow covered and only lightly sanded. But the LAST time I was on that road, I drove through that gap in freezing rain, so today didn't seem too insane. But it was.


The Road to Mad


OK. So the snow. Mad had a string of three days with 6, 8 and then 10 inches. This morning was the ten inch day and we arrived early and had two runs off the single before the line got long. River figured that we should blast one single run out real quick, head back to the top and take a longer route for the second.

What we saw from the lift on the way up got us jazzed...




I'm not sure what we did our first run. (River?) It was probably in our top three runs of the day. But our second run, out to the 20th hole, was the most memorable run of my season to date.


It's a long tree shot, and while it was all in sweet condition there were a few hundred feet where we were probably 3rd and 4th through. I have to admit I was humming the "Road to Shambala."


The 20th

After that we hit the double alternating between low angle trees I could handle, and steep stuff where I did my best. By the afternoon the steepest pitches were very tough to turn on. Later in the day, the lift lines died down, and we came back to the single for a final run. When we got to the top, River took a sharp right and I followed. We sidestepped our way up and along the ridge.

River says... "We can take Paradise. It has a bunch of really tight turns and then a frozen waterfall. But after that the snow could be really nice."

I agreed and down we went. I was tough entrance, with a great reward.



If nothing else this season, I skied Mad, and on a powder day. Can't beat that.