Lake Minnewaska, NY: 08/06/21


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2020
Going to Lake Minnewaska is the biking version of a greatest-hits album that I've listened to hundreds of times. I know every money shot by heart; the only thing that changes is the weather, the season, and/or the people who join me. To avoid the industrial-tourism crowds that descend upon the park on weekends (it's gotten far worse since COVID), I took a Summer Friday and drove up with my wife -- who hadn't come along since before we were married in the summer of 2003 -- and son, who'd never been there.

When we arrived at 10:30, there were only a dozen cars in the lower parking lot so we headed downhill to Awosting Falls. I used to go swimming here; however, they've put up a big sign saying that it's now verboten:

Then we went back uphill toward the lake:

I like the detailed trail signs they've put up over the last five years:

Lake Minnewaska:

There are two roads that lead to Lake Awosting; we took the upper one, Castle Point, with 500 vertical feet uphill and better views. It was a hot, dry day and facing due east in the late morning sun, so we stopped several times for water.

Overlooking Gertrude's Nose:

The top of Castle Point with a bit of Lake Awosting in the background:

More white quartz along Castle Point framed by the southern edge of the Catskills. If interested, here's a good overview of the Shawangunk Ridge's geology:

Heading downhill toward Lake Awosting:

Riding through the fragrant pitch pine forest:

Turning left toward Lake Awosting:

Not sure about the flowers that grow along the lake: honeysuckle? Regardless, the sweet scent was intoxicating:

A blurry zoom-in of a very tame duck family at the public swimming area. One of the ducklings was napping on their towel:

We continued a quarter mile further to a secluded spot for lunch and swimming:



I love riding through Hemlock forests -- most of them in the Catskills were cut down during the Civil War:

Going uphill over Lake Awosting:

Above the treetops:

After gliding downhill, we stopped alongside Lake Minnewaska on the way back to the car:

After five hours of biking and swimming, we ended the day with burgers and Blueberry Gunx wheat beer (excellent, and I'm generally not a fan of flavored beer) at Clemson's micro-brewery in New Paltz.
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Looks like a fun day. Such a tranquil place. I think those shrubs may be our native clethra alnifolia, aka summersweet or sweet pepper bush. We are headed up there today to swim. Looking forward to checking them out. Hope some blueberries are still hanging on. Such a great plant community up there. The place never gets old.
Awesome. I hauled a canoe down the hill to paddle around the lake once years ago. The whole park was wall to wall people. If crowds have gotten worse since then it’ must be off the chart.
I think those shrubs may be our native clethra alnifolia, aka summersweet or sweet pepper bush. We are headed up there today to swim. Looking forward to checking them out.
Let me know what they are -- I trust your expert POV.

Awesome. I hauled a canoe down the hill to paddle around the lake once years ago. The whole park was wall to wall people. If crowds have gotten worse since then it’ must be off the chart.
The crowds are primarily walkers around Lake Minnewaska. Once away from that sector, toward Lake Awosting or Millbrook Mountain, we didn't see people for 20 minutes at a time.

Let me know what they are
We followed your tire tracks. Yes, I’m fairly certain they are Clethra.
What a beautiful sight. The bees were all up on them.

It had been a while since we had been up there. The last time we were there the Mountain Laurel, Kalmia Latifolia, were in bloom.
We saw a rattlesnake on the Castle Point Carriageway. First time sighting for us so that was exciting!

Totally hidden. You can barely see it on the rock to the lower right.
Must have been a Minnewaska weekend for everyone around here. Did a 15 mile hike from Berme Rd. Park in Ellenville out to Stony Kill Falls and back on Saturday. Ventured in a bunch of places we weren't supposed to be but rules are meant to be broken and ropes meant to be ducked, right? Only ran into two other groups, think I will continue to access the park from the west side from here on out.
Yes, I’m fairly certain they are Clethra.
You are correct, sir. I'd never even heard of that flower before.

Clethra alnifolia: commonly called summersweet, is a deciduous shrub that is native to swampy woodlands, wet marshes, stream banks and seashores, often in sandy soils, along the coast from Maine to Florida and west to Texas. It is a rounded, suckering, densely-branched, deciduous shrub that typically grows to 3-6’ (less frequently to 8’) tall and is noted for producing a mid to late summer bloom of sweetly fragrant white flowers which appear in narrow, upright panicles (racemes to 2-6" long). Flowers are very attractive to butterflies and bees.
Must have been a Minnewaska weekend for everyone around here. Did a 15 mile hike from Berme Rd. Park in Ellenville out to Stony Kill Falls and back on Saturday. Ventured in a bunch of places we weren't supposed to be but rules are meant to be broken and ropes meant to be ducked, right? Only ran into two other groups, think I will continue to access the park from the west side from here on out. View attachment 10009View attachment 10010View attachment 10011
That’s a great area. The Greater Ice Caves, Badlands, Pine Plains, the old blueberry picker trail… cool place to go cross country if you are into shwacking and have all day to kill. Few people know the Gunks have a Grand Canyon. I heard they are working on the old carriage road back there. That’s good because it really needed it. Bad because the ruggedness keeps people away. Be careful drinking beers near the brink of the falls. That shit can be slippery!
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