Jay Peak 2.11-12 with a side of Berkshire East


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2020
Drove up to Jay Friday with stops at Lawsons for lunch and Rock Art to break up the drive.

As we approached Jay it started flurrying a bit. Since it was still early afternoon we checked out the band at The Bullwheel at the Stateside lodge before dinner. The wind was howling pretty good and maybe a little over an inch had fallen as we headed back down to Jay Village Inn. JVI maple glazed beef tips did not disappoint.

Saturday was awesome with 6” or so of light fluff overnight. Got a few fresh tracks and lots of pow bumps and trees. Great snow all over but the best shin deep pow turns were found off jet between the race course and woods, the B netting acting like a snow fence. Lift lines were a bit tough in the morning but thinned out around lunch when the started running the tram and flyer.


Sunday was a bit warmer in the mid/upper twenties. Groomers were good with a few slick spots peeking through as the day went on from the rain earlier in the week. You just had to poke around. Mrs S wanted to stick to the more mellow trees, Bonneventure and showcase were a lot of fun. Lifts were maybe a few chairs deep at worst and we probably lapped goat/green mountain boys/ bushwhacker 4-5 times as the snow was really nice.
Legs were shot by around 1:30 with a quick tailgate charcuterie beak. The clouds never cleared as forecasted so we never did the planned tram ride. I took a walk to check out the the Jay town XC trails before ‘Bowl time , will bring the skinny sticks next trip.



Set off Monday morning for a late morning stop at Berkshire East to break up the drive home. Gotta make that Indy pass worthwhile! Perfect timing as the bright sun, mid high 40’s and low crowds made for some soft smooth groomer cruising - country club skiing ! Really nice area with some windy rolly polly trails and some nice pitch. Very enjoyable lunch stop to round out the trip.
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