Indy Tour Catamount 3-14-2021


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2020
Skied Catamount on Sunday on my Indy Pass. I got there bright and early. Considering the weather I figured it’d be corduroy day so I brought out the old K2s. They are great for just zooming the groomers.



corduroy indeed


I took about six or seven runs while my son slept in under a pile of blankets and pillows in the back seat of the car. I hit Catapult, Ripper, Glade and Marty’s Run. They’re not top to bottom full vert runs like Blockbuster or Freefall but Catamounts steeps are legitimately steep. On Ripper I pulled up when I spotted some boiler plate below me. I kicked off a little chunk and it bounced all the way to the bottom without stopping.

Eventually I popped into the lodge to get Dangerboy a bacon egg & cheese.




It took some effort to wake the kid up but I got him moving. The sandwich helped.


We explored a bit. It was one of those days when we tried to ski everything that was open. Conditions continued to be good. Corduroy turned to corn.



One of the triples on the Mass side has a mid station. When we were at Thunderridge recently they had a sign that said “mid station eats poles”. I guess it’s true because the carnage exposed by the meltout was unmistakable.


All in all, it was another good day. Catamount is a fun place.



As we were getting ready to wrap things up, I spotted these old boards up against the lodge. I guess I’m not the only one who still appreciates the classics. I like my 812s better but I’m jealous of the poles.

This reminds me of the TGR Forum in the early/mid-00s (maybe they still do it), the Californicators used to hold "long board days" in the Tahoe region where everyone brought out their 210+ bad boys.

How many days and ski areas have you visited on the Indy Pass this season? Last year, it seems like you hit a lot of hills.
Less this year. I’ve been respecting the travel restrictions. 6 days at 4 resorts so far
Come on. The place straddles the border. What are you gonna do? Stay on the quad side exclusively? I haven’t been to Berkshire or Magic, both of which I went to last year.
I thought they had suspended the restriction to Mass?

I'm going to start a rule-breaker thread in the OT.
Come on. The place straddles the border. What are you gonna do? Stay on the quad side exclusively? I haven’t been to Berkshire or Magic, both of which I went to last year.
Just messin’ with ya. My sister lives in Mass and I joked that we could meet at the Cat to ski together down Ridge Run. We honored the restrictions as well. Sadly we missed out on the Mt Greylock Ski Club this year. We were members there and can’t wait to get back.