I saw an ad for skiing.


Jul 15, 2020
On this website. I haven't seen one in a while. I have no idea if this is a deal, but it's an offer.

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When I first posted this thread I was basically trying to say... has skiing changed forever? Will forums no longer need a place to publicize deals?

Seems like the only game in town now are season passes.

Forum name changed to reflect it.
The Indy Pass seems like about the only deal out there if you have the ability to use it multiple times.
When I first posted this thread I was basically trying to say... has skiing changed forever? Will forums no longer need a place to publicize deals?

Seems like the only game in town now are season passes.

Forum name changed to reflect it.
Are you thinking about deals for a day/night ticket? While there are fewer such deals, some existed for 2021-22. With the big ski show back in Boston next fall, will be interesting to see if there are 1-location season pass and/or ticket deals again.

Direct ads via email, or via social media like FB, Instagram, Twitter, etc. are probably likely to be of the most interest to a marketing person. Certainly true for Epic and Ikon. Also true for ski areas/resorts in the spring when they have the best prices for a season pass for the next season. Most people who are members of a ski forum probably don't check in much after mid-March. Most forum members are lurkers in any case. That's true for any online forum, not just ski forums.

People who want to know about a given ski area/resort can easily sign up by providing an email address. I know far more about the few ski resorts of interest to me from direct email than any ad on a ski forum. And I'm on more ski forums than most people. Note that includes places in regions that I don't go often but like to stay aware of for my own curiosity.
I'm just saying that lift ticket deals used to be an active topic in most ski forums. That seems to be a thing of the past.