I Got Banned from VT Ski + Ride


Jul 15, 2020
To be honest I'm kind of embarrassed. I'm been a member of ski forums and groups for the last 15 years and have always tried to keep my cool. Certainly never been banned from anything. I guess I got triggered. ?‍♂️

A guy from VT posted a link to another group called Snowboarding! His text with the link:

"I understand if the admins delete this. Almost everyday though there's a post in this group from snowboarders in MA and CT about traveling to VT in the upcoming season and I'm the only one there trying to spread the word about our travel restrictions and guidelines. I could use some backup to help change the conversation. At this point about 1% of them are planning to respect our guidelines."

That seemed like a big lift. Let's go into a group with 16,000 members and try to get them to change their behavior. There were several posts in there by the OP asking people to respect VT rules, with links posted:

He was kind of sparing with the group. I found one post from him and posted this:

IMO you should rethink your approach to that group.

"Just own the fact that you're a bunch of selfish whiny assholes.... I might as well just go the whole way and tell you all to go fuck yourselves."

His reply:

"I mean, it's a factually correct statement. Also one of the reasons I'm trying to solicit some help. I've been the lone voice over there for a while and obviously I'm not helping the situation."

I asked him if he was going to commit to not posting pics of VT skiing on social media, to help keep the "demand" down and recommended he lose the idea of "our season." He'd said something about "putting our season at risk."

I guess maybe it was that second post that got me banned, because it looks like it has been deleted.

The idea of "our season" does bug me. Maybe he was referring to all skiers, but to me it felt like "our" was referring to VT locals.

I am all for VT doing whatever they feel they need to do control covid, and I will honor it. I plan to ski in NY this year, and to me it's not even a compromise. As usual, I'm looking forward to it.

Maybe each and every VT ski area will survive this season. I sure hope so.

If the current trend continues and VT restrictions stay in place, and everyone honors them, there will be some financial hurt in Vermont. I have no doubt that if the mountains fully recover, skiers, and maybe even taxpayers from out of the state are likely to be part of the solution.

Anyway I guess I'm out of VT Ski + Ride. I wasn't a super active poster, but I did lurk quite a bit. Probably still will.
The idea of "our season" bugs me too. Although I respect their concerns - limited hospital beds, ICU space etc, it has kind of a last one across the bridge ring to it. Much as I'd like to go, I will likely skip Prospect Mt this winter. While I expect to0 ski this winter, I don't expect to get as many days as usual.

On another forum I saw people complaining about out of state residents coming to the Catskills. Meanwhile I see out of state license plates every day in NJ.
This is pretty cool, from Aaron Lavalee, the admin of VT Ski + Ride:

Please try to keep this in mind as we approach ski/ride season -

Each one of us is coming from a position of privilege when we complain about travel restrictions, ski areas we can't access because of them, etc, etc.

Realize that there others in this country besides just you.
236,554 dead since February.
132,797 new cases yesterday.
9.8 million+ cases so far, some (a lot) who will have permanent, life long complications.

Be the best example of a kind human being that you can be, educate, enlighten and inform others about what's at stake. Know that we WILL get through this but only if we act civilized, compassionate and as a COMMUNITY.
To be honest I'm kind of embarrassed. I'm been a member of ski forums and groups for the last 15 years and have always tried to keep my cool. Certainly never been banned from anything. I guess I got triggered. ?‍♂️

A guy from VT posted a link to another group called Snowboarding! His text with the link:

That seemed like a big lift. Let's go into a group with 16,000 members and try to get them to change their behavior. There were several posts in there by the OP asking people to respect VT rules, with links posted:

He was kind of sparing with the group. I found one post from him and posted this:

His reply:

I asked him if he was going to commit to not posting pics of VT skiing on social media, to help keep the "demand" down and recommended he lose the idea of "our season." He'd said something about "putting our season at risk."

I guess maybe it was that second post that got me banned, because it looks like it has been deleted.

The idea of "our season" does bug me. Maybe he was referring to all skiers, but to me it felt like "our" was referring to VT locals.

I am all for VT doing whatever they feel they need to do control covid, and I will honor it. I plan to ski in NY this year, and to me it's not even a compromise. As usual, I'm looking forward to it.

Maybe each and every VT ski area will survive this season. I sure hope so.

If the current trend continues and VT restrictions stay in place, and everyone honors them, there will be some financial hurt in Vermont. I have no doubt that if the mountains fully recover, skiers, and maybe even taxpayers from out of the state are likely to be part of the solution.

Anyway I guess I'm out of VT Ski + Ride. I wasn't a super active poster, but I did lurk quite a bit. Probably still will.
Was his name glade banned
I find you getting banned pretty funny. The idea that VT resorts are capable of surviving without out of state customers is laughable too. The provincialism is getting tiresome
It wasn't even close to the craziest shit I saw in the FB ski world today. Some crazy around this VT thing.

Looks like my ban was temporary. It turns out I was "muted", first time for every thing huh ?
Are you referring to the skiology journalist privilege declaration?
Lol, I saw that. The lengths some people will go to to try to bend the rules to their specific situation is amazing. I also learned that dude is 50 years old?

I think people should just own it. If you want to break the rules, just break the rules and face whatever consequences come your way. Don’t hide behind “journalist privilege” whatever.
I agree, MC. He actually wrote the words “don’t judge me” in that post. Come on. Go be an outlaw if you want. Don’t bullshit me with self important rationalizations.