Hunter, NY: 12/14/07


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2020
Really embarrassing that Dec 14 was my first turns for the year, but with Hunter reporting 8-10 inches from Thursday’s storm, it was a good day to work out the cobwebs. I’d guestimate that 60% of the terrain was open, enough to keep us busy. While there was some hardscrabble from traffic and a stiff breeze on the west side of the hill, most of the trails were skiing nicely, with lots of chopped-up powder on the sides. Wayout was in excellent shape most of the day as was Ike, which had a couple of really soft mini-bump fields halfway down. I skied a few runs with 30+ people from the Alpine Zone board, including FTO mod JimG, quite a turnout for an early-season weekday.

This was my first trip to Hunter in three years, which I’d been avoiding for all the usual reasons, but weekdays are fine there. Not the most aesthetically pleasing of ski areas, with those goofy trails that cut across the summit, but the collection of characters in the lodge at lunchtime was classic – wish I’d had my camera with me when some guy walked by in a wife-beater t-shirt with tats all over his arms.

No question that along with Plattekill, Hunter has the most interesting terrain in the Catskills. Looking forward for more of Hunter West to be ready for action. The 18 inches they’re expecting this weekend should help. The old HSQ was down, so we had to use the B and F lifts, but it’s supposed to be back up for Saturday.

Me heading onto Gun Hill Road


Cheez Blintz on Lower Ike
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