How Many Ski Days in 21/22?

How many skiing or riding days will you get in 21/22?

  • No Days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1 - 5 Days

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • 6 - 10 Days

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 11 - 15 Days

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • 16 - 20 Days

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 21 - 25 Days

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • 26 - 35 Days

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • 36 - 50 Days

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • 51 - 99 Days

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • 100+ Days

    Votes: 2 4.7%

  • Total voters


Jul 18, 2020
Interesting to see how many days forum members get.

Lift-served, BC, nordic, snowmobiling. Whatev.

Estimates OK. Your vote can be changed if you get more days.

This thread is about HOW MANY, nothing else. It's not about the definition of a ski day, use your own definition.

This is not the Ski Day Tracking thread. We don't want details about where you skied here, we're interested in the number of days.
All days (~couple dozen) after New Year’s at Song&Lab.
Late start.
One day at Gore last week.
It twas fun.
I’ve always thought “ Ski Days “!
are for bragging rights. Example:If you take one run every morning before work (30 minutes, from car to car) for a week you get to claim “5” ski days, Time wise 2.5 hrs
If you go on a weekend and ski opening and some night ski for a total of 10hrs by the earlier example it equals 4 ski days?
Apples and oranges? Just for fun peve. Guilty myself
If I commit time and effort, it's a ski day, probably nothing else gets done that day except a beer or two.
I’ve always thought “ Ski Days “!
are for bragging rights. Example:If you take one run every morning before work (30 minutes, from car to car) for a week you get to claim “5” ski days, Time wise 2.5 hrs
If you go on a weekend and ski opening and some night ski for a total of 10hrs by the earlier example it equals 4 ski days?
Apples and oranges? Just for fun peve. Guilty myself
Good question.
The only "long” day for skiing was the trip to Gore. We rode in the truck more time than we skied.
~3 to 4 hrs skiing the local hills, then cold and/or tired is what typically stopped me for the day.
Never skied at night but could’ve used some sunshine most days.
I have a bunch of 2hr sessions before work but they don’t have the same vibe as taking off and enjoying the whole day. Sorry for the thread drift…carry on.
I count any day over 6 runs, even if it's on the bunny slope. There have been a couple of times that I have left after one or two runs. Those are half days. I normally hit over 30 days a year. This was a weird year. I struggled to hit 25.
For me it's simple. If I ski that day, it's a ski day.

Start a "what is a ski day" thread. This thread is for data.
I’ve always thought “ Ski Days “!
are for bragging rights. Example:If you take one run every morning before work (30 minutes, from car to car) for a week you get to claim “5” ski days, Time wise 2.5 hrs
If you go on a weekend and ski opening and some night ski for a total of 10hrs by the earlier example it equals 4 ski days?
Apples and oranges? Just for fun peve. Guilty myself