Holiday Mountain 2-3-2024


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2020
So anybody that’s been paying attention to the front page knows, we’ve been keeping a close eye on Holiday’s progress this past year. They haven’t gotten all that much help from Mother Nature thus far but they have worked their asses off and persevered under difficult conditions.


My intention this year was to head up there one or two nights a week so I could just ski for a couple hours and help patrol do sweep at the end of the night but I haven’t managed to follow through on that plan yet. I’ve just been too tired after work, either physically or mentally, so once my ass hits the recliner, I haven’t been able to motivate- need to work on that.


Anyway, this past Saturday I wasn’t scheduled at Plattekill and I saw on IG that Holiday would be opening their double chair after it being dormant for years. Seemed like an easy call to sleep in and make the much shorter drive to Monticello. Maybe I could help out there a little and save myself two hours of driving. That’s what I did. It was a beautiful day.


There were plenty of Patrollers around when I got there but I did my best to be productive. Mostly I just skied laps. As a minor lift nerd, riding the double was kind of cool. The Holiday crew put a lot of work into getting the lift back into service and inspected for this season so seeing their sweat equity bear fruit was nice.


From speaking to various Sullivan and Orange County locals, it is evident that the community appreciates all the work that has been put into refurbishing Holiday’s infrastructure. One of the patrollers I skied with on Saturday told me he had been planning to quit when he hit his fifty year mark last winter but decided to delay retirement when he saw all the work being done since Mike took over last spring. The community spirit is there, in spite of all the challenges and poor weather.


Some time in the afternoon, I noticed that many of the patrollers who were there when I arrived were not around anymore so when the boss asked if I could stick around til close, I said yes absolutely.


I took a break after sunset for dinner, then headed back out for some more runs under the lights.



We shut down the double and swept that side of the resort around 8:15 or so, took a few more runs and then closed down the triple side just before nine. With some cold nights forecast for this week, we made sure to pull all the bamboo and fencing that might get in the snowmakers’ way before we turned the lights off.




So I was there a bit less than twelve hours on Saturday. I was pretty wiped by the time I got in my car to head home. Well worth it.
So anybody that’s been paying attention to the front page knows, we’ve been keeping a close eye on Holiday’s progress this past year. They haven’t gotten all that much help from Mother Nature thus far but they have worked their asses off and persevered under difficult conditions.

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My intention this year was to head up there one or two nights a week so I could just ski for a couple hours and help patrol do sweep at the end of the night but I haven’t managed to follow through on that plan yet. I’ve just been too tired after work, either physically or mentally, so once my ass hits the recliner, I haven’t been able to motivate- need to work on that.

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Anyway, this past Saturday I wasn’t scheduled at Plattekill and I saw on IG that Holiday would be opening their double chair after it being dormant for years. Seemed like an easy call to sleep in and make the much shorter drive to Monticello. Maybe I could help out there a little and save myself two hours of driving. That’s what I did. It was a beautiful day.

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There were plenty of Patrollers around when I got there but I did my best to be productive. Mostly I just skied laps. As a minor lift nerd, riding the double was kind of cool. The Holiday crew put a lot of work into getting the lift back into service and inspected for this season so seeing their sweat equity bear fruit was nice.

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From speaking to various Sullivan and Orange County locals, it is evident that the community appreciates all the work that has been put into refurbishing Holiday’s infrastructure. One of the patrollers I skied with on Saturday told me he had been planning to quit when he hit his fifty year mark last winter but decided to delay retirement when he saw all the work being done since Mike took over last spring. The community spirit is there, in spite of all the challenges and poor weather.

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Some time in the afternoon, I noticed that many of the patrollers who were there when I arrived were not around anymore so when the boss asked if I could stick around til close, I said yes absolutely.

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I took a break after sunset for dinner, then headed back out for some more runs under the lights.

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We shut down the double and swept that side of the resort around 8:15 or so, took a few more runs and then closed down the triple side just before nine. With some cold nights forecast for this week, we made sure to pull all the bamboo and fencing that might get in the snowmakers’ way before we turned the lights off.

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So I was there a bit less than twelve hours on Saturday. I was pretty wiped by the time I got in my car to head home. Well worth it.
Yer a good man Mr Brownski. (y)
Skiers & boarders thank you for yer service.
Love this, I agree, awesome.

I've never skied lift service at night.

I think we should do a night meetup to show our support.
Great report. We are 100% in Mike's corner and applaud his efforts and perseverance against all odds to keep this mountain from going dormant. And if you by a Holiday season pass you get three free days at Plattekill this year as our sign of support. Show your support and buy a pass. We love that he saved this place, because if he didn't you would be looking at another housing colony growing amongst the weeds of another lost ski hill in the Northeast.
Love this, I agree, awesome.
I've never skied lift service at night.
You’ll like it.
Ya can see the shadows and sparkles in the snow better.
Sometimes ya even get a pow night to boot.
When I worked, I night skied about as much as day skied.
Twas a much nicer drive home than the usual commute thru the Cuse too.
Your a good egg Brownski, nice report!
Love this, I agree, awesome.

I've never skied lift service at night.

I think we should do a night meetup to show our support.
@Harvey I don't think Ive missed a ski season since since 5th grade ski club in south jersey but there were a few in there where I only got out a handful of times and maybe 1 or 2 season where I never ski'd in the light of day lol, must be a PA thing!

Did I see somewhere they were doing Friday night beer races?

Night skiing makes for pretty apres tailgate beer views too!

Really looking forward to hitting Holiday soon. I appreciate that you included some photos that show how the trails actually look from a downhill perspective. Any idea / predictions on opening up more terrain this season? They've definitely been hinting at the possibility.