Hike being ruined in Hudson Valley


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2020
Not surprisingly I heard this sad what's going on at our favorite Hudson Valley NY hiking spots

Minnewaska Clean Up: August 29 at 7:15 AM.

Minnewaska has been hit hard with tourists since March. The Fats in the Cats have offered to help clean up the park as part of a big group effort.

More details will follow with links to the sign up forms and parking passes to print. Please mark your calendars and post up if you plan to be there!

This is our first group volunteer day of the year, let’s make it a great one!!!

This will, of course, be a physically distanced cleanup—we will have some garbage pickers available at the designated parking lot (tba), gloves, and other supplies, but volunteers are asked to work solitary or at a comfortable distance."
I have found that all trails that I bike or hike have been hit with overuse since the Covid crisis. I think people hiking the biking trails have caused the most damage. New lines have been cut from people walking off the original trails. Just one (minor) result of Covid.
Same thing happening down to home. County park half a mile from my house is closed for two weeks because people have totally gotten out of control. Partying, consuming alcohol (a no-no in NJ county parks), litter, damming steams so they have a kind of a cold tub. Also in a municipal park a couple towns over.
Same has been happening in PA. Beltsville State Park had to close last Monday for a day just to clean up the mess from the weekend. The locals are asking that the park be restricted to PA residents as most of the cars in the lots were "front platers".
Same shit in the Catskills.. The real hiking trails are good - but the popular swimming holes are a shitshow... Our town is frigging pissed.. Government is starting to notice and take some action..
