Greek Peak, NY: 2/5/14 CNY and PA Ski Tour


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020
Day 2

The weather forecast was calling for snow, and I awoke on day 2 to find about six inches of fresh powder on top of my car! This was going to be a great day.

I had contacted @Campgottagopee the day before I left on this adventure to tell him I was coming to Greek Peak, to see whether he'd be able to get to the mountain to show me around. Unfortunately, he told me that he had to work, but he gave me Pro2860's phone number, and told me that he'd be at the mountain and would be glad to show me around.

I arrived at the mountain bright and early, booted up and called the “Pro”. He told me that he was in the parking lot booting up, and that Camp was there too! We met at the number 1 double chair, because the new quad was down for maintenance, made our introductions, and then headed to the top. Camp was only able to stay for a few runs, then he had to get back to work.

I don't remember the exact order in which we skied the trails, so some of what follows may not be exactly in order, but it's pretty close.

There was about six inches of fresh powder and it was awesome. It took me a little while, but after a couple of runs, I was getting used to the powder. We skied a couple of runs under the number 1 and 1a chairs, and then we moved across to the number 2 chair. The chair wasn't running, but we skied Aesop's Glade, which was a nice low angle glade, with well-spaced trees and plenty of fresh untracked powder.

From there, we went over to the number 4 chair and skied Zeus, under the lift. At some point, I had passed Camp and as I was skiing down, a couple of ski patrollers on the lift above me yelled down that the trail was closed … Oooops!!! We got to the bottom and got on the chair. As we were heading up, those same ski patrollers had now “opened” the trail!!!

We skied Hercules next, and then made our way over to Greek Peak East, and the number 5 chair. We skied Mars Hills and then dropped into Also's Glade. This was another low angle glade, with one steeper pitch, and nicely spaced trees. I was having a blast!

We made our way back over to chair 1 and skied Olympian … That trail is steep!!! After that, Camp had to head back to work, but Pro and I spent most of the rest of the day together. He and Camp are both great guys, and I really appreciated them showing me around. It was nice to finally meet them.

We did a bunch more runs under the number 1 chair, including another run down Olympian, and then we took a break for lunch.

In the afternoon, Pro and I decided to give the Labyrinth Glade a try. This glade had quite a bit more pitch to it than the others we had skied, but once again, the trees were generously spaced, and it was pretty easy to just rip on through. Pro decided to call it a day shortly after that, so we said our goodbyes. After that, I did a couple of more runs in Labyrinth, though the snow was getting a little thin, especially on the steepest pitch, but it was still really good. I also added a couple more runs through Also's Glade.

I was ready to call it quits, but the new quad was running, so I decided to give it a try to check out the conveyor system in the loading area. That was a very unique experience! I rode to the top and decided to finish my day with one more run down Olympian.

After that, I headed into the lodge and went up to the next Trax bar. This place is really nice … they've done a beautiful job here. I ordered some wings and had a couple of beers while I caught up on some work.

Unfortunately, I decided to use a “cheapo” camera instead of my SLR to take my pictures, and when I tried to connect the camera to my computer to download the pictures I had taken, somehow, the pictures all got trashed!

In the end, it was an absolutely awesome day. Obviously, the fresh snow helped a lot, but I still think it would have been a good day, even without the new snow. Greek Peak, while not exactly what I'd call a “neighborhood” mountain, was very cool. There were some really good trails, and some great glades. I can see why the Greek Peak “faithful” have such strong feelings about their mountain. Hopefully, the new owners will be able to make it a big success, and the mountain will continue to operate and improve.