Gore Mountain, NY: 12/30/11 Wild Air!


Jul 15, 2020
Ski Day 9: Definitely don't have the pics to back up today. But I'll do the best I can.

Today felt like another day at the plant. The snowmaking plant. Basically I've been following the guns around. Lots of noise, mist, snow, low-visibility, whales, bumps and everything else that goes with it.


Full steam ahead

Everyone I talked to was waiting for Patrol to drop the ropes on Wild Air. First run down the front and the rope was still up...


First look at Wild Air

There was some kind of problem with Pine Knot. I heard the guns blew some gak overnight and the trail, and access to summit was closed for most of the morning. With no snowmaking planned for anything open up top, I accepted that I'd have a lower mountain day.

Zelda and I did a couple laps on Topridge to get while the gettin was good...



Eventually we came across this guy....


He told me I could duck on under, but I saw Suds streakin down the left side and waved him over for the honors...


...and he was gone in a flash...


While Neve was in her lesson I lapped Wild Air. It was a bit chunky funky, but fun as hell. Neve's lesson ended at 10:30 and when we came down she was skiing switch again...


There are a lot of reasons "why people Telemark." Yet another:

You can lap a single, snowmaking, bumped out trail that is crowded with humanity and have a blast. My last four runs today ... I skied with a big grin. Really had fun.
