Gore Mountain, NY: 11/25/12


Jul 15, 2020
Ski Day 2: It's time to pony up and buy the new camera. (Probably the Canon S100). My trust Canon 1200is looks to be dead. After I took three pics this morning the lens just wouldn't pop out, and the readout was saying "lens error." I was hoping to ask Zelda for it for Christmas, but the season is now, so here I go > Cyber Monday here I come.

I took three pictures before the 1200 died.




When I got to the the mountain (GASP) I'd forgotten my butt bag. Early season routine rustiness I guess. I was without mittens, and with two new pairs at home, I wasn't in the market for another pair. I actually ran into Mike in the parking lot and the brother gave me the gloves off his hands. Rock solid.

Neve went for her lesson gondi line cuts and I started yakking with folks in the plebe line. Same as it ever was.

Snow was pretty good yesterday and most improved today. An inch of natural, another day of subfreezing grooming and some manmade blowby in spots helped.

Both Neve and I felt much more confident than yesterday. I can definitely feel my hamstring, but the tele turns feel like good exercise. Still have lingering fears I can't shake.

Was great to see Suds, Duck, Zach, Sophie, Nick, tBatt and meet some new folks too.

We only stayed until 11:30, but I was completely content with run and the snow we had.