Food Trucks


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2020
I don't know if food trucks are a thing where you live, but they are definitely a thing around Ithaca. One showed up about five minutes from my house and I finally stopped. I got a pineapple marinated sirloin skewer with rice and beans from Juicy’s Shanty. The flavors are amazing. I think that I will make more of an effort to stop at some of these. Off the top of my head, I can think of a taco stand and a Jamaican food truck, and I know there are more.

Not sure if I shared this elsewhere or not but it seems applicable. The lower budget, lower prestige version of the food truck… the food cart. I grabbed this on my way back to the train when my company forced me into the city recently and only had bagels for breakfast. I’m on a diet currently- limiting carb intake.


It was alright
Not sure if I shared this elsewhere or not but it seems applicable. The lower budget, lower prestige version of the food truck… the food cart. I grabbed this on my way back to the train when my company forced me into the city recently and only had bagels for breakfast. I’m on a diet currently- limiting carb intake.

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It was alright
We used to call momma beagle “The Food Truck" when she came to feed the pups.
Same tasty nutritious menu everyday.
The only time I see food trucks is at the local micro breweries. We have some good ones.