Elk Mountain, PA 1-18-2013


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2020
Elk Mountain has been on the goto list for a long time. Driving my son back to school provided an excuse to ski a 12:30-4:30 shift on Friday. Elk lives up to its billing. There are 11 black diamonds at Elk and we skied the 9 that were open. These trails would be diamonds at most Eastern ski areas. The diamonds all ski a little differently. The trails feel similar to the expert trails off the double at Plattekill, although they are not quite as steep and have a longer runout. Conditions were mostly excellent packed powder with a few spots of frozen granular underneath.

View of the double/quad heading up the steepest trail Tunkhannock.


Riding the double looking up the East Slope and Susquehanna


The base lodge


In all the pictures you can see the results of Elk ownership planting over 13,000 mostly Norway Spruce trees over the years. It gives the place a feel of skiing at a more northern mountain. These trees seem to act as wind blocks for chairlifts and snowmaking.

Riding the quad - there is a double hanging on the other side of the tower. It was ski right on all afternoon.


Looking at the steepest part of Tunkhannock


The trails were empty and covered with packed powder. There are nice views of farms and the Endless Mountains.


There are a lot of wide open trails, this one is where the trails end at the quad. They were blowing snow on 2 trails as temps remained around 20 degrees all afternoon.


The view from the top of Lackawanna was quite nice.


Looking down Susquehanna


The mountain faces NE so the shadows hit the steep trails first.


Classic Pennsylvania


We really enjoyed skiing Elk. I don't know if we will be back as I can get to the Catskills in less time. The mountain was worth the trip this time.