

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2020
Who has put a lot of days on a carbon ski? I’ve more or less decided on an Enforcer 88 in 179 for my new everyday ski but I was just fondling them in a store and picked up the unlimited version and holy crap was it light. You really feel the difference. Of course the sales guy said it was “the same ski” just lighter. But will it hold up after 200 days ior will it turn into a floppy noodle at some point?
How many years does itbtake yoy to get 200 days? How long have you had yoir current daily driver?

Does weight really matter?

That last one is a trick question.
How many years does itbtake yoy to get 200 days? How long have you had yoir current daily driver?
Don’t know. I have way more than 200 days on my XScreams and K2 812s but much less on my Blizzard Latigos that I’m replacing. 200 days may be arbitrary.
Does weight really matter?
It probably matters. Other things being even, lighter means I can swing the tips around faster in tight spots. If I ever get any significant uphilling time in, it will make a difference then, right? If nothing else, they’re easier to carry from the car