Campgaw, NJ: 03/23/14


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2020
Over the past six weeks, my wife and I have taken our son several times to Campgaw because it's about 30 minutes from our house, comparatively inexpensive, and our son, a beginner, doesn't notice how short it is so win/win. We're trying to get him to use his poles (moderate success) and to narrow his stance (a work in progress).

Campgaw is open this weekend and next for $15/person, which is late in the season for NJ. There were a fair number of cars in the parking lot, but very few people actually on the hill. I realized that most were there for a GS race:
Campgaw 1.jpg

That's the Susan G. Komen cancer foundation logo on the snow:
Campgaw 2.jpg

This lift only serves "most difficult" terrain:
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Campgaw Chuck:
Campgaw 6.jpg

While eating lunch, directly behind me I heard a recognizable voice: everyone's favorite ski-area owner. I remembered seeing someone with a "Plattekill Air Force" ski coat on the lift and it suddenly made sense. Laszlo was there with his son, who was taking part in the race:
Campgaw 7.jpg