Caberfae Peaks 1/15/22


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2020
Last Thursday the 6th I slipped on some ice and couldn’t move my arm and I thought my ski season was over. I ended up separating my shoulder and got the ok to ski this weekend after a week off and I was ready to get back to skiing.
Caberfae is a place where you can camp in the parking and lot and my buddy and his wife were going to go up Friday night and spend the weekend. I could only ski Saturday and would meet them in the morning, the only problem is a drunk driver crossed over the median and him them head on, luckily they just had bumps and bruises.


I almost didn’t go today and my buddy said to go and ski. Me sitting home wasn’t going to change anything.
So I made the 3.5hr trip. It was 4 degrees when I pulled in, but the sun was out and it was not windy.


They had a nice manmade packed powder and a good 4-6 foot base down. In the last 6 years I have been constantly skiing here they have added close to 70 snow guns, bigger lines and a higher pump capacity, it is really starting to show how much they have improved their snowmaking.
The snow held up well for almost the whole day, there was some icy spots starting to form in high traffic areas, but considering how busy they were it lasted a long time.




I was just about done skiing and I got a text from my buddy who said they got a rental truck and emptied out the camper of what they could and they got a room in Cadillac so they can ski tomorrow, but they wanted to come to Caberfae before I left and have beer with me.
The skiing was great today, my buddy showed up with his wife and it was great to see that they were ok, it was a great way to end the day, or so I thought so until I had heard that a snowboarder hit a tree today and did not make it.
With all that has happened in the last week life is too short and don’t take things for granted.


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Holy shit. That’s as real as it gets right there. Life is a gift. May God bless you and yours.