Boyne Mtn, Boyne Falls , MI 4/1/23


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2020
In was has been a strange year for skiing in Michigan I still have managed to ski for 6 calendar months this season. For northern Michigan things got a big boost with March becoming the new January with cold temps and a fair amount of snow.
The past few years we have gone to Nubs Nob over Boyne Mtn mainly due to ticket prices, well this year I got a lift ticket for $48 for Boyne and Nubs was $80, so Boyne was the choice for April skiing. The day before we are going to ski it figures Boyne got a lot of rain, but I knew they had a good base and Saturday was forecasted to have rain early changing over to snow. Well when we arrived it was a heavy mist/light rain


The first run was in the heavy mist/light rain, but the snow was a nice cream cheese snow so all was not bad. the second run there was sleet at the top and rain at the bottom, the third run went to snow at the top and rain at the bottom, by the fourth run it had changed over to all snow. That is the first time I had ever experienced a rain snow line at a 500' hill.
At Boyne thay have was is called the Halfway House, which has a wood stove in it, a deack on the outside and bathrooms. Mgt. looks the other way and allow people to bring food and alcohol there and you never know what you will find when you go inside. We walked into a birthday and in typical skier fashion we were offered food and drink right away.
We made a number of more runs after a quick drink and by that time the snow had stopped and the had firmed up a little but was still very nice.




New for this year Boyne Mytn built a sky bridge. I have to say that up close it is an engineering marvel. Pictures do not do justice as to just how big the bridge is. After 30 runs of skiing we changed and rode up what was the first chair lift when installed at Sun Valley and later sold to Boyne. While the chairs and lift towers are different the lower and summit terminal are from the original lift.
You are around 125' in above the valley that the bridge crosses and the midle 10' or so of the walkway is glass. Looking down at the terrain park and Rams Head run it seemed like i was in a drone. In the fall with the colors of the leaves the view must be fantastic


. We finished our day off at the 40 Acre's Tavern at the base of the hill. It's a small pub style bar that has a delicious honey sriracha chicken wings


This was the end of mine and my daughter's (Megan) ski season. It was not our best season, but still a very good one. The highlight was going back home to NY and skiing Gore for the first time in 10 years and getting know Bruce who runs a Michigan skiing Facebook page.So until next season thanks to the group to showing some interest in Michigan skiing and as always we make mountains out of mole hills.

Awesome report. Wished one of my daughters ( or grandkids for that matter) loved skiing with their dad or gramps as much as Meagan.
The neat thing about Boyne is how progressive and yet historic and retro they are. Everett had pretty much the first of every kind of lift seating there is. Shucks we even had our remontees expert Conrad come out from Vt to capture all the Boynes lifts on camera.
Those center pole Riblet quads and Dopp cpdouble are on the endangered species list. The Super Bowl cpquad is being exchanged as we speak as well as one at the Highlands.

Fantastic pics Ted and especially that last one with Meagan at the bottom of Devil’s dive!!
Happy birthday Meagan!!