Booze and the Blowings Cop the Lot - Ricky Jay Magic Show


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2021
I had to look up a few words in order to fix the transcription of this poem about swindlers. A lot of this is old British criminal slang. I'm sure a few will enjoy this video below there.

Suppose you screeve or go cheap Jack,
Or fake the broads or figg a nag,
Or thimble rig or nap a yak,
Or pitch a Snide, or smash a rag.

Suppose you Duff, or nose and lag,
Or get your straight and land the pot—
How do you melt the multi swag?
Booze and the blowings cop the lot.

Suppose you try a different tack,
And on the square you flash your flag,
At a penny lining, make your whack,
Or with the mummer's mump and gag.

For nicks for nicks the dibs you grab
At any graft, no matter what,
Your merry goblin soon stravaig
Booze and the blowings cop the lot.

It’s up the spout in Charlie wag
With the wipes and tickers and whatnot,
Until the squeezer grabs your scrag—
Booze and the blowings cop the lot.