

Jul 15, 2020
Zelda got this amazing free app made by Cornell:

You tell it you are in the northeast, so it knows what bird library to download.

Then walk through the woods, and when you hear a bird you turn it on.

It tells you the name of the bird and gives you a picture. She is digging it!
Sounds cool but how does it handle multiple bird songs at the same time?
It seems to do pretty well. Not perfect but pretty amazing. We successfully did three at a time more than once.

One other cool thing, I think. The app asks you if you want to share your location information. I think Cornell is studying the bird populations through your use.

So far we've found in our woods:

Hermit Thrush
Red Eyed Vireo
Barn Owl
Black Capped Chickadee
White Throated Sparrow
Cedar Waxwing
Black Throated Green Warbler
Northern Cardinal
Oven Bird
Yellow Bellied Sap Sucker
Red Napped Sap Sucker
Blue Headed Vireo
Tufted Titmouse
Yellow Throated Vireo
Cerulean Warbler
if you want to share your location information
Don’t do it Harv

You never know what those bird nerds are really up to!
Take down your bird feeder for now . X breed locust connection?

yea I miss my feeders, it's amazing what a few seconds of enjoyable distraction throughout the day can do...

The other morning I was staring out the window sipping coffee looking at where the feeder used to hang, my coffee cup was red and a hummingbird came right to the sliding door glass and stared at me enough to say WTF!!?!?

I've been using the Merlin app for a few years now and also use the free Audubon when I can't find something on Merlin. Another cool one I've started using lately is Seek that will also ID insects, plants, reptiles etc.
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